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July 3, 2010

Holiday in Lovely Lintau

Been a long time no post since May 22nd !

I've been busy with The 1st semester Final Test, lol :D
Alhamdulillah the result is satisfying.

Apparently, many things which I'd like to post, but because it was gradually, everything had been dis-up-to-date, but sure I've make the list for those.

Now on, I'm on my lovely village, West Sumatra, Lintau exactly, there's a big event here, Custom Events of Minang, all family gathered there.

There was a story called ya, when I got here at around 9 (when Germany vs. Argentina has begun), my dad and other men was busy including me want to watch the World Cup, even though I rarely watch Ball match, but unexpectedly, in that house there was no broadcast by RCTI + Global!

No Signal!

So we were in a big worried that time, we are forced to seek around to find "layar tancep" and it took 30 minutes until the first round has ended !!!

*Damn !

Finally after getting an informal seat, I sat on the ground, really in the ground ! During the time between the commercial break to the 2nd round there is Question and Answer Quiz (just like Inter sport Quiz) there, so unique, all the audiences so talkative, but they were so funny, lol :D

And the 2nd round was begin, I opened Opera Mini while facebooking + SMS-ing with @Ujig (my friend who is Germany freaking), and I spent about Rp 2000 last night !

Crazy, I didn't expect that Argentina didn't serve against Germany which was playing patterned and targeted till 4-0 !!!! (Just like when against Australia in a Group elimination by winning 4-0 too).

But apparently, from the first Germany play so clean and great, against England which consist of seniors and won 4-1 ! CRAZY Germany always printed 4 goals in the last 3 games !!! I become optimistic although Germany will had to against the hardest Rival, SPAIN !!!

This is a little bit about the resume of Germany, enjoy :

FIFA World Cup 2010 of Germany:

Argentina 0 : 4 Germany
Germany 4 : 1 England
Ghana 0 : 1 Germany
Germany 0 : 1 Serbia
Germany 4 : 0 Australia

The next match (Semi Final):

Germany vs. Spain - 8th Jul 01.30

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