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December 3, 2010

Friday - 3rd December - When the Deuteronomy will be end?

Supposedly, today is the last day should I deal with periods of Deuteronomy, uggh just remembered there were :
>"Supplementary MID History"

>"Remedial Physics of Second periodic test"

What The Hell

Honestly, It's ashamed because I can't maintain a good reputation I've had, especially in physics, but if you ask me whether I'm understand or not of course YES I am , just because not carefully wrote (probably plus the sense of arrogant) and all ends with a score of 71.

Oh well, what can be done, regret? Yes a little, but all can not be repeated, that there was to be a lesson for me to keep the spirit of learning.
Remember to be a determined Person and keep the perseverance up (Go! Go! Fight)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kunjungan balik kawan....
wah sabar ya, semoga nilainya bisa ditingkatkan lagi...

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