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October 3, 2011

CCHS Stugo 2011-2012

Stugo? It stands for Student Government, in the other states also known as Student Council, in Indonesia was popular by OSIS term. I mma tell a bit about my experince as Stugo member ;)
#August 16th - 2011
It was kinda shock when I was joining this class since I'm lacking of experience of being in school's committee; c'mon I just used to be a leader of English Club before. Lot of people (36 members) and hard to remember their name on my first days. Since I am a senior, I sat in the group of seniors on the very right side of the room. Stugo class is on 5th period on room 5105.
I met Rosa (The President of Senior Class), April (The Vice President of Senior Class), Clariza (The Senior Class' Representative), JR and Bob (he didn't come on my first attending).
We're talking about the spirit week. At first I just like "What The Hell?! Why do I need to drees up those away for a whole week?! I don't bring lot of clothes!" LMAO
Most of the time I remained silent. Often times Clariza and April tried to be nice and said "What do u guys think?" or "Do u have any ideas?". Upps Sorry Hell No, I have no idea at all about what was happening that time, I mean they're the way far and I just came today with all my lacking experience.
I even should go back to the Stugo Class during my lunch since we need to talk more about the Homecoming Dance with all senior members there.
#September 2nd - 2011
Fresmaen Inauguration + My first Assembly!!! Wohooo, it was a very looooooong Day!
I woke up at 2.30 a.m and slept at 23.00 p.m. I wore my white stugo shirt! Wohoo within my name printed in the back "RIDHO"
So today I should go to Stephanie's house around 3 a.m to get prepare for waking up our Frosh, Sergio, who is Stephie's cousin. So together with Peace, JR, Valeria, Keila, Suzzete and her twin, Stephie and her Mom we drove to Sergio's house. It took a year for Sergio's Mom to unlock his door while he was sleeping --" But we woke him up, Valeria slapped him with pork meat, LMAO cause it sounds "Plaaak". Sergio only wore his boxer, so we let him to get short but Hell No he was cheating by wearing Shirt, he should be what he was before, without taking a brush teeth and so. We "kidnaped" him and brought him back to Stpehie's house to make over him up! LMAO, he dressed up crazy like a sissy!
All the groups with each Frosh met at McDonald to take breakfast and we had plenty of fun time here! We're driving to school and didin't forget the "Banana Game" for the Frosh, ;p it was public humiliation for me, but who cares.
Since I brown slipped from 1st-3rd period for Assembly, so I helped preparing the assembly with others in the big gym. Really it was my first time and it was awesome! So in Assembly, the clubs and sports of this summer season will introduce their clubs and open the enrollment for new members. It was fun and unfortunately, we only can do 1 game in 2nd assembly. Apparantly, we had 4 games for each assembly that means we had 8 games! But since it's the way late so we canceled the game to save time. But no reason to ruin this event ;) And we should clean up back the gym and ready for next Period. I went to my 3rd Perid, People Leadership, since we still had about 15 minutes before it end ;D

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